Kaalchakra :: Social and Environmental Change


                        It's as if everything around us is changing fast. Don't go too far back, those who are now 40 or 50, if they look back at their childhood, and notice today's childhood, everyone will see the difference. There is a big difference in education, sports, devotion, and respect. Joint families are to be found with binoculars today, but of course, loneliness and small families are almost everyone's choice now. Teachers have lost the right to rule students today, parents are going to court if necessary. In some cases, of course, teachers are also found to be inhumane. The illicit relationship between teacher and lady student is the headline of the newspaper nowadays. I have never heard of such a thing in my student life. In front of many engineering and medical colleges, it is not possible to walk properly today, just like the eye-polluting environment. Today, those who do not honor their parents, teachers, or older people, will they be honored in the future?

                    Swamiji said, read a little less, do more sports, and exercise. Everyone knows that the number as a percentage is at the bottom now. Childhood and adolescence are stuck in the world of mobile and the internet today. As a result, their immune power is very low, they are easily infected.

                    And the lessons of devotion, respect, and honor are almost gone. These three words remain in some real aristocratic families, in some Monasteries, Maths & Missions. In the ordinary house, in school-college today there is only politics and personal interests. At the rate that is changing, only God knows what to see after 20-25 years from now?

                    Where in the 18th century the population of the world was 100 crores, today in 2020-21 that population is about 800 crores, at this rate in 2050-60, the population will reach 1500 crores. In the future, housing and food shortages for this huge number of people are inevitable. Forests and animals are almost extinct. On the other hand, the waters of the Indian Ocean, which used to have a normal temperature of 23-24 degrees, have now reached about 31-32 degrees. Needless to say, global warming will increase, and more frequent tornadoes will occur.

                On the other hand, we are not shying away from finishing this beautiful habitable world created by God out of lust and greed. On the one hand, increasing global warming by polluting the environment and deforestation in various ways; On the other hand, only the testing of weapons of mass destruction and the sale of them abroad for profit; discover the virus that kills people. Because to control this virus, they will make antidotes and medicines and sell them to make a profit. Woh! How developed and progressive people and their society. Knowing all this, we are just silent spectators. What a beautiful competition to be the first powerful country in the world! Rapid climate change, super cyclones, epidemics of various deadly diseases, heavy rains, famines, starvation somewhere - are we to blame for all this to anyone else? Or all the effect of Kaalchakra (time cycles)?

                        However, it is better to say in this context, of course, there are exceptions. The world has never end good people, and never will. Otherwise, the whole world would be destroyed.

Kaalchakra (Time-Cycles)


                    In fact, the abuse and oppression of humans on nature, the environment, and society is not going to end by saying. The question is why and how the mind of people are changing so fast? All good sense is on the way to extinction today. Is this the time cycle (Kaalchakra)? Even today, religion is often ridiculed - abide by - this word far from it. But what is happening at this time thousands of years ago is recorded? In Bhagavad, all are mentioned in Kali Dharma Katha. In this age (Kali Era), there is no such work nowadays that people can't do for money.

                    Kaalchakra cannot be said in one word. I'm just a little person, I may not be able to express such a deep meaning in my next few births. Anyway, something has to be written so write. A cycle of time, a cycle of life and death, a cycle of planets and stars, etc. can be interpreted in different ways. But I will try to say a little about the time cycle here. What I have written so far is about human, environmental and social changes over time. As I said before, we have changed ourselves overtime only for business profit. The judgment of good and evil is somehow going away. Religion, on the other hand, says that what is happening at this time is predestined, that is, it has already been recorded. Again, just as iniquity on earth increases, so does the incarnation of God or part of Him. It is said in almost all religions.

                    Although the Kaalchakra of different planets, the Kaalchakra of Devlok (Heaven), the Kalachakra of the Earth are different from each other. When God Himself comes (by the word of religion), a new era begins. That is the cycle of time changes instant. But there is no right time. The day God descends, the day the age changes. In subtle judgment, it is understood that everything is going on at the behest of someone. People are just occasions. We do not accept these, on the basis of our work/action (arrogance, greed) we just suffer. We often forget the game of time. There is a proverb - Time Speaks or Time Will Say.

Invisible Universe

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