Ajamil Charit


                     When the name of God is not uttered for the purpose of God, but for someone else, it is called "Namavyas". Any Human is also rescued in this naming practice (Namavyas). Ajamil was a resident of Kanyakubja (now Kannauj in India). His parents taught him to become a virtuous Brahmin. But due to the misdeeds of his past birth, one morning in a secluded forest, he met an angel-like beautiful sixteen-year-old girl. In fact, the girl was a prostitute. Addicted to the prostitute, Ajamil's morals deteriorated and he married the prostitute. He started a life of sinful enjoyment by building a house next to the forest. Ajamil was involved in all kinds of sins like theft, robbery, lying, drinking due to his addiction, and earning money. In the womb of that prostitute, Ajamil had ten sons, and the youngest of them was named Narayan. At the time of Ajamil's death, when the Jamdutas (messenger of Jamraj) came to take him to hell, he started calling his beloved son Narayan loudly for fear of Jamdut's distorted face. As a result, the memory of Lord Narayan came to his mind. Immediately four Vishnudutas (messenger of Lord Narayan) came there and freed Ajamil from the hands of Jamdutas and Ajamil received Vaikunthalok. When the messengers went to Yamraj in despair and wonder, Yamraj advised them in detail about Bhagavata-dharma. Yamraj thus consoled his messengers.

                Yamraj said, “Even though Ajamil called his son (Narayan), he uttered the holy name of Narayan and as a result of that Namavyas he got the company of Lord Vishnu messengers who rescued him from your hands. This is true, because even the greatest sinner, if he takes the name of God, even if that name is not completely sinless, he does not have to be born in the inanimate world. As a result of taking the holy name of God, Ajamil met four Vishnu messengers. They were very beautiful and rescued him and took him to Vaikunthadham.

Now the main question is, how did such a great sinner get the Grace of God?

                    The answer is a company with Saints and the grace of Saints. In his early life, Ajamil was a devout, virtuous Brahmin. His wicked and degraded life was achieved due to unholy marriage and wrongdoing. When Ajamil was engaged in a life of great sin, some saints came to his village. Those saints were thirsty and hungry. He asked the people of the village where the Brahmins would get houses, they would eat. Because they will not eat without a Brahmin house. The people of the village reluctantly showed Ajamil's house. But when the hungry saints wanted to eat something, the husband and wife hurled insults at the saints, and at the end gave some rice, pulses, and vegetables outside their house. The saints cook and ate with it and took a rest.

                    The next morning the Saints called Ajamil as they were leaving. the Saints said to Ajamil, what do you want? Ajamil said you are all beggar saint, ask people for food, what will you give me again? The saints replied we have eaten at your house, we cannot go without giving you anything. However, Ajamil does not want anything, he told the saints to leave. Then the saints said, you are not saved or rescued in your lifestyle, we see. The name of your younger child you will have to be named Narayan, that will be your rescued-way. By the grace of these Saints, Ajamil finally got the grace of God.

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