Harinam Mahatmya - Specialty of Harinam


                    Expressing infinite, elusive, unimaginable is foolishness or stupidity of a lowly person like me. Can only be explained with a few examples. His greatness, that His deeds are right, His love for the devotee etc. can be heard from various Puranas, scriptures or from Saints. From there two or three is described here only.

Mahatmya (Specialty)

                One day the question arose in the mind of a devotee, this is what I do so Harinam, what happens in it? Who will answer this question? After much thought, he decided that only Devarshi Narad could give the answer. Because Narad always chants the name Narayan Narayan. Then he put this question to Narad Muni. But Maharshi Narad could not answer. He Names the Name for chant only, but Narad himself does not know what happens. He told the devotee to find out first, then let him know.

                Devarshi Narad then asked Brahmadev to know the answer? But Brahmadev also could not answer. He said you go to Lord Shiva because Devadidev Bholanath does Harinam in His five faces, He only knows the meaning of the name and it's Mahatmya.

              Devarshi Narad went to Lord Shiva as soon as he heard. He then put the question to Devadidev. Lord! You are meditating all the time, constantly chanting the name, please tell me what happens if You do Harinam? But Lord Shiva did not answer and ordered to go to the South to Yamlok, your question will be answered there.

                Devarshi Narad was a little surprised at first, but Lord Shiva himself said there must be a reason. So Narad left Kailash for Yamlok without delay. But the question kept revolving in his mind. Yamlok means the place of punishment for sinners, there I will find the greatness of Harinam ??

                Devarshi Narad entered Yamlok by the name of Narayan Narayan with playing his Bina (musical instrument) according to his nature. Seeing all the sinners being judged, they are standing in line. But after a while, Yamraj himself came running. Maharshi Narad, please stop that name. Only sinners hear the name (Narayan), they left my Yamlok for Vishnulok. Whom shall I judge? Everyone will be saved/rescued as soon as they hear your name (Narayan-Harinam). Narad understood what happens when we do Harinam. He also told everything to that devotee.


                        Another description in this context - there was a sinful robber. He did not refrain from beatings, robberies and tortures. One day he was passing by a beautiful flower garden. Kirtan (chanting) came to his ears from a temple in the corner of the garden. For a while, he became fascinated. It occurred to me that he had never heard such a beautiful name. Yamlok is being tried after his death. But it turned out that the whole life was full of sin without a little holy work. Yamraj said you will enjoy a little bit of happiness first, or you will be punished for your sins first. I want to get happiness first, the robber said. Then he lay down on the flower bed and was given a lot of happy things to enjoy. The robber did not enjoy anything, only cried profusely, this happiness for him when I heard the name of God in my mind for a little time in my whole life, what would have happened to me if I had chanted Him all my life? After a while, messengers of Vishnu appeared and were taken away by Vishnulok. They told to Yamraj that tears have flowed in the name of God, all his sins have been washed away, so take him away. Besides, Ajamil, Chapal-Gopal, Jagai-Madhai, and many more have been released by Harinam.

That His deeds are right

                One day Narad and Sri Krishna were passing by a lake. There were several boys jumping into the water and playing. But a lame boy was sitting there, clapping his hands. He could not rejoice with them because he was lame. Devarshi Narad was very upset, Lord! how do you judge? Why did you punish the little boy? Then Sri Krishna answered, do you see, why?

                    The Lord then healed the boy. As soon as the legs got better, the boy jumped into the water and started holding all the boys by the head in the water. Seeing this, Narad cried out, "Lord, save the rest of the boys from his hands, he will kill everyone." The Lord then crippled the boy again. Narad realized that the Lord was doing what was right.

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