Some advices of Sree Sree Ramakrishna


  • Can God be seen?

              Yes, of course. Sometimes living in solitude, chanting His name, object judgment - these are the ways to go.

               When the three attractions are together, however, he appears. Like, the attraction of a rich person for his wealth, the attraction of a mother for her own child, and the attraction of a good wife for his husband. The point is, if the above three attractions are together, the attraction that occurs & if God is called in that same attraction, then God appears.

  • In what way can God be seen?

            In a word, the company of saints and prayer. When you are with a saint, your mind becomes calm, you always speak the truth, you always follow the right path. And God is always with the truth, is very dear to Him. Also wants crazy cravings, a strong desire to see, and to get Him. The three attractions mentioned earlier needs to come together.

              He is found by all means. All religions are true. Like, talking about climbing on the roof, maybe with a paved staircase or a wooden staircase or just by standing on a bamboo pole or just by climbing with a rope. For example, Hindus call water from the same pond 'Jol', Muslims call it 'Pani', English call it Water, and some people call it Aqua.

  • Is it possible to gain God by doing household chores (without being a saint or a monk)?

            Why not? Must be like ripe fish. It stays in the mud but its body does not get mud. Similarly,  He/she does all the housework, but the mind stays after God. Though that is very difficult to do. Not everyone can. If not in solitude, the mind does not think of God.

              It is better for bees to sit on flowers just to eat honey. But the home fans/devotees or household chores are like flies, sitting on sweets and as well as rotting on wounds.

  • Who saves for the future?
               Bees store honey for a long time with great difficulty. But they do not enjoy the honey themselves. Another came and broke the wheel of honey. Saints depend on God, they do not save. The birds and the saints never save, but the bird brings food by mouth when it hatches. This is not for the world (household chores). They have to take care of their lives.
  • Do people have free-will?

             In fact, everything is happening by the will of God. If so, why people in the world doing sin so much? In fact, from the very beginning of creation, He has been created alone, again multiplied, playing with good and evil Himself. Whoever feels that 'God is the Lord and I am the doer' is not at fault. Free will is given by God, otherwise, how we will feel that it would be a sin to do something wrong. Waves are created from the sea, but that waves are never the sea - just a part of that sea.

  • What is the proof that the soul is different from the body?

                  Proof? God is seen. When anyone does austerities, he sees God by His Himself grace. The sages interviewed and realized the soul. However, it is not possible to understand theology with science. Only by mixing it with another - that is formed - these sensible things are known. The doctrine of God cannot be known without the touch of a saint, just as one has to recognize a pulse or medicine from a doctor.

  • Sree Ramakrishna and combination of all religions

As much as opinions, so much the ways. Infinity opinions, so much the eternal paths.

              He is found by all means. All religions are true. Like, talking about climbing on the roof, maybe with a paved staircase or a wooden staircase or just by standing on a bamboo pole or just by climbing with a rope. For example, Hindus call water from the same pond 'Jol', Muslims call it 'Pani', English call it Water, and some people call it Aqua

                My path (way) is right and the rest are wrong or false - never feel that way. Don't hatred others. KarmaYog, GyanYog, BhaktiYoga, God can be found in all ways. But devotion (BhaktiYog) is the best and easiest for this age. KarmaYog & GyanYog are difficult to compare.

                  "Just as the tide is seen in the river near the sea, it is not understood in the distant river, just as devotion arises in those who are close to God, not in everyone".


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